About us If you still have your old flash player on your pc press this link to listen to Shaun's Multimedia Magazine Guests & Creativity Interviews Programs, Lectures & Conferences Memorial 2003 Dr.B Rutgers Corner GUESTS & CREATIVITY Ben Gurion's reflections on some important issues Israel & the Jewish people Independence & Pioneering Israel & the Arab states Prime minister & Parties the Prophets Chinese & Buddhism Read by Norman Wein ( short excerpts from " Ben Gurion looks back in talks with Moshe Pearlman" Simon and Schuster New York Contact Mt Scopus Radio: radio@mscc.huji.ac.il NOSTALGIC SONGS OF ISRAEL POSTED ON INTERNET BY JEWISH NATIONAL AND UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FOR INDEPENDENCE DAY www.jewish-music.huji.ac.il. the Jewish Music Research Center of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, providing a variety of services to the music-loving public. Bettina Smith & Oded Ben-Horin About us An early interview about composition, lyrics and musical cooperation. Joseph Sprintsak - sound artist accompanied by Jean Claud Jones excerpts from E E Commings Interviews Interview with Professor Magidor, President of the Hebrew University by: Shaun Waksman October 6, 2002 Programs, Lectures & conferences The Mystery of Dreams & their Interpretation Rabi Joel Zeff senior lecturer at the David Shappels College Recorded on November 2003 at Hecht Lobby Science and Religion Professor William Glaberson . Physics dept' at the Hebrew University also "Instructor of Talmud for the Neve Yaakov community." Recorded on May 12th 2003 at Hecht Lobby Rabbi Aaron The Gift of Presence Press briefing (recorded- 28.jan.2001) Press briefing for foreign journalists dealing with the Feb. 6 election for prime minister. Analyses were presented about the campaign and the consequences of the election for Israeli- Arab relations and Israeli relations with the U.S UP
About us
If you still have your old flash player on your pc press this link to listen to
Shaun's Multimedia Magazine
Guests & Creativity
Programs, Lectures & Conferences
Memorial 2003
Rutgers Corner
Ben Gurion's reflections on some important issues
Israel & the Jewish people Independence & Pioneering Israel & the Arab states
Prime minister & Parties the Prophets Chinese & Buddhism
Read by Norman Wein ( short excerpts from " Ben Gurion looks back in talks with Moshe Pearlman"
Simon and Schuster New York
Contact Mt Scopus Radio: radio@mscc.huji.ac.il
the Jewish Music Research Center of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, providing a variety of services to the music-loving public.
Bettina Smith & Oded Ben-Horin About us
An early interview about composition, lyrics and musical cooperation.
Joseph Sprintsak - sound artist
accompanied by Jean Claud Jones
excerpts from E E Commings
Interview with Professor Magidor, President of the Hebrew University by: Shaun Waksman October 6, 2002
Programs, Lectures & conferences
The Mystery of Dreams & their Interpretation
Rabi Joel Zeff senior lecturer at the David Shappels College
Recorded on November 2003 at Hecht Lobby
Science and Religion
Professor William Glaberson . Physics dept' at the Hebrew University
also "Instructor of Talmud for the Neve Yaakov community."
Recorded on May 12th 2003 at Hecht Lobby
Rabbi Aaron The Gift of Presence Press briefing (recorded- 28.jan.2001) Press briefing for foreign journalists dealing with the Feb. 6 election for prime minister. Analyses were presented about the campaign and the consequences of the election for Israeli- Arab relations and Israeli relations with the U.S
Rabbi Aaron The Gift of Presence
Press briefing (recorded- 28.jan.2001)
Press briefing for foreign journalists dealing with the Feb. 6 election for prime minister. Analyses were presented about the campaign and the consequences of the election for Israeli- Arab relations and Israeli relations with the U.S
The Diameter of The Bomb by Yehuda Amichai English text Hebrew text
Dr. Sanford A. Berman
American Friends of The Hebrew University note with deepest sorrow the loss of Dr. Sanford A. Berman.
A long-standing American Friend, "Dr. B" was beloved for his dedication to The Hebrew University and Israel's people.
Among Dr. B's acts of philanthropy was his generous support for Hebrew University's "Radio Mount Scopus,"
the first student operated university radio station in Israel;
his contributions to the Iris S. and Bert L. Wolstein Accessibility Project;
and his gift to augment campus security in the aftermath of the July 31st terrorist attack on Mount Scopus.
Dr. B's humanitarian legacy will exist in perpetuity, enhancing future generations.
We extend our sympathies to his dear friends, Lana and Michael Jacobson, and to his family and friends
throughout the United States and the State of Israel.
Dr. B. was born on January 10, 1908 in Cleveland, Ohio.
He graduated from Ohio State University School of Dentistry, was in the armed forces and practiced family dentistry
in Euclid, Ohio.
He and his late wife, Bette, maintained an active social life and were affiliated with many Jewish organizations
over the years.
Bette was active in Hadassah and she and Dr. B. loved travel and enjoyed their homes in Cleveland and
in Adventura, Florida.
For the past decade and a half, Dr. B. was active in the stock market, successfully managing his own investments.
He used his successes to fund a myriad of philanthropic projects for such organizations as
The Sight Center of Greater Cleveland,
Jewish National Fund, Jerusalem Girls Orphanage, Congregation B'nai Jesherun, The Interdisciplinary Center of Herzliya,
and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Dr. B. has a large extended family of friends and relative in Cleveland,
Connecticut, Colorado, California, Florida, Minnesota and in Israel.
Our good friend Dr. Sanford A. Berman passed away on (March 06 2003) afternoon
at Montefiore Home in Beachwood. The funeral service took place on Friday, March, 7, 2003, Noon,
at Berkowitz-Kumin-Bookatz, Cleveland Heights, Ohio.
A creative, collaborative partnership between Rutgers University, New Jersey and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Radio Multimedia Workshop
Participents: Annie Suarez Erin Medley Josh Jun Alon Neuman Shaun Waksman
Here are some impressions of our first encounter
Erin`s first assignment text Annie`s first assignment text
Erin`s clip Annie`s mix
click pic to get a full view
Opinion -Josh Jun
North Korea The Media About Greed
We look forward to a creative partnership in producing radio multimedia programs
In our next course we`ll e mail our sound files to one another to be used as raw material for our creative work
Each group will edit and mold this raw material to give it a fresh interpretation from a different standpoint
Copyright The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. All Rights Reserved